
My Experience

Skipping Stones Counseling Asheville NC

Over the last 10 years I have supported parents and families to understand what works and what doesn’t work for them. I love exploring alternatives to strengthen relationships, find your voice and set boundaries that will help you feel more comfortable and ask for what you need from others. My hope is that you will learn from me as much as I learn from you.

My first experiences with a therapist were not the greatest. I had a lot of practice communicating my needs and not always getting the response I needed. I learned that I deserved to feel safe and could set boundaries I was comfortable with and reinforce those boundaries to avoid overwhelming anxiety again. I began studying psychology in hopes that I would be able to offer a more healing experience to others.

“Great change starts with the courage of one step.”

I completed graduate school and began working as a school counselor. I loved working with young children, led groups, provided monthly classroom guidance lessons to every classroom, developed a positive behavior support program and school wide programs for careers, substance abuse education, and school-wide safety. I educated teachers on how they can support children to improve resiliency, ability to cope with stress and be able to apply themselves in school more because they felt safe and cared for. After four years within the school system, I began working with an agency that provided Intensive In Home Services. Our goal was to support a family to heal, improve routines and structure, improve parents consistency of expectations and boundaries, teach appropriate discipline, encourage healthy coping and avoid children being removed from their family of origin. This was a combination of helping parents heal so they could then help their children heal. After two years, I became a supervisor of this program and after a year realized I really loved being out in the field, working directly with clients and families and returned to providing therapy.

Since 2014 I have been working specifically with adults, many parents with children who are also struggling. I was certified in postpartum mental health which gave me greater awareness of anxiety and depression common during and after pregnancy. I enjoy working within the family system, supporting parents and children.

I have kept in mind the ways I felt betrayed by counselors I have worked with and take pride in my responsiveness and care to you. I did find an amazing counselor who I worked with for several years, she became my mentor and still gives me strength. It is possible to find the right counselor for you. Think about what you would want in a counselor. Would it be someone who can listen well, who takes the time to understand your experience, who remembers your story, who returns calls, follows through with treatment plans, has good boundaries with you, who holds themselves accountable to provide you the best care possible, someone who accepts you and always responds without judgment.

Make your check list and give a therapist an interview today. You deserve someone who you feel comfortable with so you feel safe to be vulnerable. You too can be free of fear, sadness and anxiety.

~ Julie

To schedule an appointment, you may contact me at 828-398-0147, or fill out a Contact Request form and I will get back to you as soon as possible. I look forward to hearing from you!